Options # (1-14)




#1 My Special Abilities Session ($60 dollar)

#1 Feel what you are feeling and what state you find yourself (Note: There is no releasing of energy in this session. Only information).


#2 Rebalancing Reset Session ($60 dollars)

#1 Reset alignment between the spirit and physical body, #2 Reset communication between the spirit and physical body, #3 Reset the energy field of the heart, #4 Reset communication between spirit and physical heart, #5 Reset communication between heart and brain, #6 Reset the left love of the brain, #7 Reset the right love of the brain, #8 Rest the corpus callosum of the brain, #9 Reset each chakra, #10 Align the chakras vertically, #11 Reset the governing meridian, #12 Reset the conception meridian, #13 Reset the magnetic field, #14 Reset the energy field on aura


#3  Back In Time Session ($100 dollars)

#1 Go back in time, release all energies affecting you and get things flowing again.

#2 Rebalancing reset (if necessary)


#4 Biomagnetism Sessions ($100 dollars)

#1 Biomagnetism session 


#5 Your Choice Session ($100 dollars)

#1 Feel what is happening (My special abilities session)

Your choice of session:

A) The Emotional Code with Heat Wall 

B) The Body Code Session (Note: Emotional and Belief Codes come integrated in the Body Code Session)

C) the Belief Code 

#2 Rebalancing reset (if necessary)


#6 Unprograming Session ($100 dollars)

#1 Belief Code Session 

#2 Rebalancing reset (if necessary)


#7 General Session ($150 dollars)

#1 Feel what is happening (My special abilities session) 

#2 The Body Code Session (Note: Emotional and Belief Codes come integrated in the Body Code Session)

#3 Biomagnetism Session

#4 Rebalancing Reset (if necessary)


#8 Release Entities Session ($150 dollars)

Release entities from with you and around you (if any). Entities have contributed to: Fatigue, Physical discomfort, Negativity and mood issues, Addiction, Feeling like something is there that doesn’t belong, Feeling stuck, Feeling conflict or resistance coming from outside, Self sabotage, Anger at self, Self doubt, Mental illness symptoms and Nightmares.


#9 Break Curses Sessions ($150 dollars)

Break your curses and saboteurs (if any)


#10 The Matrix Session ($150 dollars)

WARNNG: This is for people who are ready to come out of the matrix, you will see truth here, revelations, experience so many things (everyone will experience different things), but you got to want it because this is NO JOKE.


#11 House Job Session ($150 dollars)

Break curses from your house, release entities inside your house, around your house and install peace (if any)


#12 My Personal Mega Session ($300 dollars)

#1 Feel what is happening (My special abilities session)

#2 Eliminate entities within you (if any)

#3 Entities around you (if any)

#4 Remove curses (if any)

#5 Remove saboteurs (if any)

#6 Remove energies from bad places you might also have been in (if any)

#7 Eliminate bad energy that you may have touched in those bad places (if applicable)

#8 Remove any curses your house may have (if applicable)

#9 Eliminate entities in your home (if any)

#10 Eliminate entities around your house (if any)

#11 Eliminate any bad energies that your house may have (if any)

#12 Eliminate any negative energy that your house may have (if any)

#13 Install peace in your home (if necessary)

#16 Body Code Session (Note: Emotional and Belief Codes come integrated in the Body Code Session)

#17 Biomagnetism Session

#18 Rebalancing Reset (if necessary)


#13 Mascot Session #1 ($100 dollars)

#1 Feel what is happening (My special abilities session) 

#2 The Body Code Session (Note: Emotional and Belief Codes come integrated in the Body Code Session)

#3 Biomagnetism Session

#4 Rebalancing Reset (if necessary)


#14 Mascot Session #2 ($300 dollars)

Mascot (any kind)

#1 Feel what is going on (My special abilities session)

#2 Remove entities inside it (if any)

#3 Remove Entities around it (if any)

#4 Remove curses (if any)

#5 Remove saboteurs (if any)

#6 Remove bad places energies it might have been too (if any)

#7 Remove bad energy it might have touched in those bad places (if any)

#8 Biomagnetism Session 

#9 Body Code Session (Note: Emotional and Belief Codes come integrated in the Body Code Session)

#10 Rebalancing Reset (if necessary)


Session can be done:

In person, phone, email/text or video call.

Session from a distance, Zelle is accepted or transfer to account number.

Open 24/7 

For more information call:

USA (909) 534-4165

Email: robertosenergywork@yahoo.com