Welcome to Roberto's Energy Work website.  I offer a unique approach to energetic well-ness. With my special abilities, visions and combination of Biomagnetism and knowledge of the Emotional, Body, and Belief Code, I have had superior and unimaginable results. It makes my work more efficient, effective and real.


My name is Roberto Carlos Ramírez Villaseñor. Since my uncle in Guadalajara Mexico introduced me to the Emotional Code book and the art of Biomagnetism in 2016, I have been amazed and surprised on how this works. I kept applying the Emotional Code technique on myself until I learned about the Body Code. This was great, but until the Belief Code came out, I got very excited. In my opinion, I realized this was going to be a total, emotional and physical well-ness program for anyone. The reason is, I can release your emotional baggage and balance your body, but if I don't work on your beliefs, you could be just hitting a wall then coming back to me over and over. I could not wait to learn about the Belief Code, but I needed to become a Practitioner on the Emotional and Body Code first. So I became a Practitioner and learned more things on the courses then I did just reading the book.

In my journey as an Emotional, Body and Belief Code Practitioner, I discovered, I have the ability to feel what people are feeling, what they are like and thinking in real time. This has helped me to know in what state my volunteers were in as I record their progress. Then I started to get visions of my volunteers in which was very helpful to understand more about their hidden situations not even they new about. These visions are a powerful tool for me. It made me see more of my volunteers hidden conditions in a higher dimensional level. Now combining, Iridology, Biomagnetism, Emotional, Body, and Belief Code techniques and my special abilities and Visions, I've have discovered an efficient and effective way for anyone to achieve emotional and physical well-ness. The end result, my volunteers have mention to me, I am for real and devoted.



Contact me today to schedule a session and experience the transformative power of Roberto's Energy Work